Stout vznikol v 18 storočí v Anglicku ako varianta Porteru a veľmi rýchlo si ho obľúbili aj v susednom Írsku, kde si ho vďaka vynálezu bubnovej pražiarne na rozdiel od konzervatívnych Angličanov začali variť ešte tmavší a ešte horkejši. Odvtedy je Stout doménou Írska a asi najznámejší výrobca Stoutu na svete je Dublinský pivovar Guinness, ktorý pod svojou značkou vyrába Dry Stout. Od vzniku Stoutu sa vyvinulo celé spektrum podštýlov Stoutu od najslabšieho 10° Dry Stoutu, cez exportný Stout, Imperial Stout a nakoniec až 30° Russian Imperial Stout. Hlavne silnejšie Stouty sa s obľubou dochucujú orechmi, hrozienkami, figami, borievkami a rôznym iným ovocím. Tiež sa s obľubou pridáva neprekvasiteľná laktóza, čím vzniká nová línia – Milk Stout s príjemnou sladkou chuťou pri zachovaní všetkých chuťových vlastností obľúbeného Stoutu. Tentokrát sme sa vydali opačným smerom a rozhodli sme sa pre Vás ochutiť najslabší Dry Stout (pivný štýl Guinessu), ktorý sme uvarili ako Milk Stout. Naviac sme doň pridali špeciálnym spôsobom veľké množstvo kokosu a na dochutenie vanilku. Chuť nášho Coco Milk Stoutu je výrazne kokosová, no po prehltnutí v ústach dominuje typická čokoládovo- kávová chuť Stoutu. Kokosová chuť však nieje len v náznaku… pri každom ďalšom dúšku ju pocítite znovu.
Stout was born in the eighteen century England as a version of Porter and has become rapidly popular in the neighbouring Ireland, where — thanks to the invention of a drum roaster — it has been brewed even darker and more bitter than it ever was by the conservative British. Thenceforth, the Stout has been an asset of the Irish, with the most popular producer being the Dublin brewery of Guinness, marketing its famous Dry Stout. Since the birth of Stout, many various subtypes have been developed from the weakest Dry Stout of mere 10 °P to Export and Imperial Stouts all the way to Russian Imperial Stout with up to 30°P. Mainly the stronger Stouts are often flavoured with nuts, raisins, figs, junipers and various different fruits. With a liking, an unfermentable milk sugar — lactose — is often added, creating a new line of Stouts — the Milk Stout, with a novel pleasantly sweet taste, while retaining all taste properties of the original dark beer. This time, we have ventured in the opposite direction and flavoured our lightbodied Dry Stout (the style made famous by Guinness), now brewing it as a Milk Stout. Moreover, we used a special technique to introduce loads of coconut into the beer and to top it all off, we added a hint of vanilla. In our Coco Milk Stout is first a pronounced coconut aroma, being chased away by a typical fullbodied chocolate and coffee taste of Stout. The coconut flavour is however all but subtle, it comes around in each next sip.